Bachelor of Commerce

The Department of Commerce was started in MES college along with its establishment in June 1972. In the initial period, the Department was catering to a night college to take care of employees working in and around Vasco who had not completed graduation. To start with, Accounting & Taxation were the specialised subjects taught to B Com students under Bombay University. After delinking the affiliation of the college with Bombay University, the department started courses in Vocational Education sponsored by UGC in the subject of Foreign Trade & Taxation.

At present, subjects taught cater to the needs of students in Mormugoa Taluka. Currently, there are 2 specialisations in B Com Viz, Accounting and Management. The Department started M.COM with specialisation in Accounting in the year 2016-17 under the Co-ordinatorship of Mrs. Rochana Kharangate (HOD, Commerce Department). The first batch passed successfully with 100% results. The department conducts annual industrial tour during winter break and also Industrial Visits to various industries and to CIBA.


Commerce is one of the most popular career options in mainstream education and forms the backbone of Business and Management. A Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce provides skill oriented education to students which empowers them to make effective use of skills and talents as entrepreneurs or employees. The commerce subjects would focus on curriculum offering a number of specializations and practical exposures which would equip the student to face the modern-day challenges in commerce, business and the corporate sector. The programme comprising both academics and exposure to seminars, workshops and research provides the students with an ideal blend of theoretical and practical knowledge.After completing the programme, the B.Com graduate will be able to:
  • PO 1: Develop wide range of business, legal, statistical, financial, entrepreneurial and analytical expertise.
  • PO2: Apply the managerial skills, abilities and knowledge in a business organization, and be capable of maintaining business accounts.
  • PO3: Lead management positions and develop an ability to communicate effectively both in terms of business as well as social interaction.
  • PO4: Participate effectively in social, commercial and civic issues ultimately leading to national development.
  • PO 5:Understand how to operate a business successfully in a continuously changing environment.
  • PO 6:Develop an entrepreneurship spirit and participate effectively in social, commercial and civic issues ultimately leading to national development.
  • PO 7: Make effective use of skills and talents as entrepreneurs or employees.

    Eligibility for admission leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Commerce/ Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) shall be as follows:-

    Eligibility for admission to Semester I & II (in the first year) B.Com /B.Com. (Hon.) Programme:

    (A) To be eligible for admission to the Semester I of the Three Years Programme leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Commerce /Bachelor of Commerce (Hon.) the candidate should have passed:

    • (i) Higher Secondary School Certificate (Std.XII) Examination conducted by Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education in any stream, including vocational stream in the subjects notified by the Goa University from time to time.
    • OR
    • (ii) Std. XII Commerce/Science/Arts or similar examination of another body, equivalent to Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education, Goa, and recognized as such by Goa University.
    • (B) A candidate not covered under any of the above categories but desirous of seeking admission to the said course may apply to the College. However, the Registrar along with Dean of concerned Faculty and Chairperson(s) of Board(s) of studies of concerned subjects shall decide the eligibility.
    • (C) A candidate admitted for Semester-I shall be deemed eligible for admission to Semester – II.
    • (D) A candidate migrating from another recognized University and desirous of direct admission to Semester–II may be considered for admission provided he/ she has cleared/ passed First Term/ Semester-I examination of that University with those subjects for which admission is sought and undertakes to successfully complete the other compulsory courses of Semester –I.

    Eligibility for admission to Semester – III & IV (in the second year) B.Com /B.Com. (Hon.) Programme:

    • (A) A candidate who has requisite attendance for Semester – I and Semester – II shall be eligible for admission to Semester – III.
    • (B) A candidate migrating from any other recognized University may be considered for admission to Semester – III of the B.Com /B.Com. (Hon.) provided:
    • (a) He/She has passed the First Year B.Com /B.Com. (Hon.) examination in all subjects from that University.
      (b) He/She had offered at the First Year the same subjects as prescribed under major category available under the scheme of this University.
      (c) He/She undertakes to successfully complete the required courses and credits prescribed by this University for Semesters – I & II, if he/she has not already done so in the previous University. Result of Semester – IV examination shall be withheld if the candidate fails to fulfil this undertaking.
    • (C) A candidate admitted for Semester – III shall be deemed eligible for admission to Semester – IV.
    • (D) A candidate from another recognized University may be considered for direct admission to Semester – IV provided he/she fulfils the conditions in (a), (b) and (c) at (B) above and, in addition, has passed/cleared Semester – III/First Term examination of the Second Year B.Com. of that University. However, the result of Semester – IV shall be withheld if the candidate does not fulfil these conditions.

    Eligibility for admission to Semester-V (in the third year) B.Com /B.Com. (Hon.) Programme:.

    • (A) A candidate who has been declared passed in Semester-I to Semester-IV examinations shall be eligible for admission to Semester-V.
    • (B) A candidate admitted for Semester-V shall be deemed eligible for admission to Semester-VI.
    • (C) A candidate migrating from any other recognized University may be considered for admission to Semester-V of the B.Com. Course provided:
    • (a) He/She has passed the Second Year B.Com /B.Com. (Hon.) examination in all subjects from that University, and
      (b) He/She had offered at the Second Year the required courses and credits under the scheme of this University. A candidate fulfilling these conditions shall be eligible for admission to Semester-V only.

    Eligibility for admission to Semester-VI (in the third year) B.Com /B.Com. (Hon.) Programme:

    • (A) A candidate already admitted for Semester-V shall be deemed eligible for admission to Semester-VI. Direct admission to Semester-VI shall not be permitted.


    • Number of students in a class/division shall not ordinarily exceed sixty.
    (A) For B.Com. Semester I & II
    1. The application form shall be filled online at
    2. Gmail ID is mandatory to begin the admission process.
    3. A passport size photo (not exceeding 1 MB) should be uploaded.
    4. The admission form shall be uploaded along with the following documents (each document not exceeding 1 MB).
    • a) Scanned copy of original marksheet of HSSC/ Equivalent examination.
    • b) Original HSSC leaving certificate.
    • c) Eligibility Certificate (in original) issued by Goa University (for those students who have passed standard XII or any other equivalent examination through any other recognized Board other than Goa Board if applicable).
    • d) Scanned copy of original Aadhar card and first page of the bank pass book.
    • e) Scanned copy of original Caste Certificate.
    • f) Undertaking by the student.
    • g) Undertaking by the parent.
    • h) Undertaking for discipline and attendance.
    1. Once the admission form is filled and the relevant documents are uploaded, the student will be taken to the online payment gateway for payment of fees.
    2. The student will receive an email on successful payment of fees confirming his/her admission.
    (B) For B.Com. Semester III, IV, V and VI
    1. The application form shall be filled online at
    2. The PR number is mandatory to begin the admission process.
    3. A passport size photo (not exceeding 1 MB) should be uploaded.
    4. The admission form shall be uploaded along with the following documents(each document not exceeding 1 MB).
    • a) Scanned copy of original marksheet of previous semester examination.
    • b) Scanned copy of original Aadhar card and first page of the bank pass book.
    • c) Scanned copy of original Caste Certificate.
    • d) Undertaking by the student.
    • e) Undertaking by the parent.
    • f) Undertaking for discipline and attendance.
    1. Students should have a Gmail account .
    2. Once the admission form is filled and the relevant documents are uploaded, the student will be taken to the online payment gateway for payment of fees.
    3. The student will receive an email on successful payment of fees confirming his/her admission.

    Note: No Student shall be given admission after the date specified by Goa University.
    * Subject to change


    Admission Fees for the Year 2020-21**
    Note: ** The above fees are subject to change, as per the Notifications received from Goa University/ Govt. of Goa from time to time.

    Other Fees as per Notification
    1. * Wherever applicable (Computer Science Laboratory Fees - Generic Elective/Skill Enhancement Courses etc.)
    2. ** Students opting for Psychology Subject will have to pay additional fees of Rs. 240/-
    3. *** For those students opting for e-Accounting subject during Semester IV will have to pay additional fees of Rs.500/-
    4. ++ Students opting for the courses under Computer Science subject will have to pay additional exam fees of Rs.340/-
    5. ++ Students opting for the courses under Psychology subject will have to pay additional exam fees of Rs.340/-
    6. The above fees are subject to change, as per the Notifications received from Goa University/Govt. of Goa from time to time.

    Examination Fees Examination Fees in B.Com. classes will be as follows:

    Fees for Registration / Enrolment Fee/Eligibility & Migration Certificate
    Fees as per Goa University Notification GU/Colg/Fees/2018.
    Note: The above fees may be revised by the Goa University/Government of Goa from time to time.
    The college will reopen on 3rd August 2020 for the new academic year 2020– 21. The details of the academic terms will be as follows:

    First Semester/Term
    Note : Date's are subject to change

    Second Semester/Term
    Note : Date's are subject to change

    Vacation / Break
    Note : Date's are subject to change

    The Students who pass their Higher Secondary Examination of Goa Board with vocational subjects are granted vertical mobility to the following courses :

    Medium of Instruction: The medium of instruction and examination will be English as directed by Goa University vide OA-9 Ordinance regarding Medium of Instruction (under Section 24(1) of the Goa University Act 1984. “However, languages other than English will be taught and examined at all levels in the medium of the language concerned.”



    The Department of Commerce was started in MES college along with its establishment in June 1972. In the initial period, the Department was catering to a night college to take care of employees working in and around Vasco who had not completed graduation. To start with, Accounting & Taxation were the specialised subjects taught to B Com students under Bombay University. After delinking the affiliation of the college with Bombay University, the department started courses in Vocational Education sponsored by UGC in the subject of Foreign Trade & Taxation.

    At present, subjects taught cater to the needs of students in Mormugoa Taluka. Currently, there are 2 specialisations in B Com Viz, Accounting and Management. The Department started M.COM with specialisation in Accounting in the year 2016-17 under the Co-ordinatorship of Mrs. Rochana Kharangate (HOD, Commerce Department). The first batch passed successfully with 100% results. The department conducts annual industrial tour during winter break and also Industrial Visits to various industries and to CIBA.

    Stock market in India- Opportunities and Challenges 2024-25

    Commerce Fiesta 2022

    Information Technology

    The subject Computer Awareness was introduced in the year 1994 as a compulsory paper(only theory) at first year of B.A./B.Com. and also practical component without any marks weightage. In the year 2000 the paper was renamed as Information Technology (theory only) with 40 hours of compulsory practical component. From the Academic Year 2007-08 the paper continued as Information Technology I at Semester I level and Information Technology II at Semester II level of B. A./B.Com. with 40 hours of compulsory practical component, as the Goa University introduced Semester system to all its undergraduate Courses. From the Academic Year 2017-18, Goa University has introduced Choice Based Credit System and under this system the dept. of IT has introduced various Courses in the subject of Computer Science. From 2023-24 CCFUP under NEP2020 has been introduced

    At present the dept. has two full time faculty, one is regular, the other is on contract basis, one is on Lecture basis and there are also one lab assitant and one lab attendant. The dept. has well established IT Laboratory with 18 computer systems and a server with high speed broad band Fiber Optic connectivity with 200 Mbps speed. The lab facilities are offered to all the students of B.A., B.Com. and also to the Staff members. The department also offers the service of IT Laboratory to conduct various activities such as student registration under GUMS, provide information of staff to Goa University under GUMS, activate and upgrade the laptops given to the students under Cyberage Scheme of Govt. of Goa, carry out project work of final year students and also carry out various academic activities for staff members.

    Click the Course code to view syllabus

    Awareness Programme on the topic Cyber Safety 2024-25

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    Awareness Programme on the topic Digital Security 2024-25

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    One day State level programme on Latex 2023-24

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    Session on ERP 2023-24

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    Session on Gretl 2023-24

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    Best out of E-Waste Competition 2019-20

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    In our college the subjects of Mathematics and Statistics were offered as compulsory subjects for the B.Com. programme from 1972-2017. After the introduction of CBCS – Commercial Arithmetic was taught as core course from 2017-18 till 2022-23 (for B.Com. semester I and II) and Business Statistics as generic elective Course (for B.Com. semester III and IV) from 2018-19 till 2023-24.
    Since 2023-24, after the introduction of NEP, Business Mathematics I and Business Mathematics II are taught as SEC courses for B.Com. semester I and II students respectively and Mathematical Techniques for Competitive Exams and Descriptive Statistics as Multidisciplinary Courses for B.Com. semester I and II students respectively. Business Statistics I and Business Statistics II (VET) are taught as minor papers for B.Com. semester III and IV students respectively from 2024-25.
    There are 02 faculty members in the department of Mathematics and Statistics out of this 01 is full time regular faculty and the other one is lecture basis. 01 faculty member of department has cleared CSIR-NET as well SET exam. 01 faculty has Authored (as main author) a book titled Commercial Arithmetic I (ISBN –978-81-941207-5-9) for B.Com. Semester I students of Goa University. 
    Teachers of department of Mathematics and Statistics are engaged in conducting various activities for students like organizing innovative competitions which involve real life applications of Mathematics. The department also conducts sessions and workshops on Mathematical softwares etc.

    Session on WolframAplha

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    State Level Workshop on Latex-2023-24

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    Certificate course in Verbal Reasoning -2022-23

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    National Level Webinar on Role of Data Analytics in Actuarial Science -2022-23

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    Session on Gretl 2021-22

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    Talk on Statistical Quality Control 2020-21

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    Poster Making Competition 2018-19

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    Rangoli Competition 2017-18

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    Greeting Card Making Competition 2016-17

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    Poster Making Competition 2015-16

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    Environmental Studies & Geography

    The Department offers one compulsory Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC) in Environmental Studies and two Generic Elective (GE) papers in Geography. The department has one full time contract basis faculty and one lecture basis faculty.



    The Department of Economics has been a very dynamic one since its inception in 1972. The faculty is committed to undergraduate education in Economics. The faculty and students have taken keen interest and have always strived towards achieving excellence in both curricular and extracurricular activities. The establishment of the Economics Club (formerly called Economics Association) in 2006-07 has been a major initiative towards building the overall personality of our students. There are, at present, eight teachers in the Department. The faculty of the Department of Economics is actively involved in research. The faculties have presented papers at various state, national and international seminars/conferences and have research publications and books to their credit. Two of the faculty have been awarded Ph.D. and three of them have registered for Ph.D..


    Although The Department of ENGLISH came into existence with the founding of the College in 1972, it was refurbished with the introduction of the three-year integrated BA ENGLISH program in June 2007.Our very First Batch with only three units of LITERAURE IN ENGLISH passed out in April 2010 with 100% Results and 02 Distinction Students and since then we have struck at 100% Results, our Benchmarking. We introduced BA with Entire Six Units of English in 2015. By the end of The Decennial Year in June 2017, we introduced the Post Graduation Course MA in ENGLISH. Indeed we are extremely proud that we are the last of the only four Colleges in Goa to introduce the LITERAURE IN ENGLISH ENTIRE PROGRAM and the FIRST to introduce the MA in ENGLISH, the PG Program.

    From the workload of one and a half faculty in 2007, we are as many as Seven Full Time Faculty Members in 2019, emerging to be the largest Department in the ARTS STREAM with the PG PROGRAM. Until 2010, the ENGLISH Teachers from various parts of Goa commuted to the port town of Vasco-Da-Gama to teach ENGLISH in various Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools. Today the town boasts of offering several Good English Teachers to its Educational Institutions and to the surrounding places like Sancoale, Pilar, Taleigao, Verna, Margao, Sanguem and to the other States like Kerala, Maharashtra and Karnataka. One feather in our cap is that one student of our very First Batch Ms Poorwa Naik has been appointed as the faculty member of The Department of English, Goa University. The other student Mr William D’Souza holds a regular post in our own College. The third student Ms Ruvina Khan is an upcoming Journalist working for The Times of India.The fourth Outstanding student of MA in English Ms Cinderella Bhandare Sequeira is a Philosophy faculty (NET cleared) in Parvatibai Chowgule Autonomous College, Margao. Several others teach in the Higher Secondary and Secondary Schools. Some are event Managers, Lawyers, Press Reporters, and so on. The Placement is indeed 100%.

